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This series originated from a  trivial misunderstanding that actually occurred one winter's day between my wife and myself. That day,  we went out for a walk in the forest. Suddenly she said, “I saw a white butterfly.” Thinking that there would be no butterflies in winter, I looked in the direction she was pointing. No matter how hard I looked though, I couldn’t see any butterfly. I don’t know whether it was a figment of her imagination, or whether it really existed and was invisible to me only because of my poor eyesight. However, this trivial event continued to flutter between us and gradually took on a contemplative dimension that provided the impetus for this series.

At the start of the project, the focus was how on to represent that invisible butterfly. However, little by little it dawned on me that I was really telling the story of how I, who am gradually losing my sight, and my wife, who is still able to see things as normal, were 
gently separated then reunited.

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